A grand felicitation was organized for the Asian Games 2022 Silver Medalist, Lovlina Borgohain at Sports Authority of India (SAI), Regional Centre, Guwahati on Thursday. The program started with cake cutting ceremony followed by welcome address by Executive Director, Sports Authority of India, Regional Centre, Guwahati and felicitation of Lovlina Borgohain and her motivational speech addressed to the athletes of NCOE, Guwahati. The event was attended by Athletes, Coaches and the entire officials of SAI Regional Centre, Guwahati in the presence of almost all the prominent print and broadcast media.
During the interactive session, Ms. Lovina Borgohain has expressed her feeling about the remarkable development of SAI facilities from the day she joined as STC athlete in 2012 and now when she is in National Centre of Excellence (NCOE). She also mentioned that now the best facilities starting from Boarding, Lodging, and Coaching to Sports Science back up including foreign exposure are available for the NCOE athletes and encouraged them to excel in sports at international level by availing these athlete-centric provisions at SAI.
The program ended with vote of thanks by Shambhoo Yadav, Assistant Director, SAI Regional Centre, Guwahati.
Lovlina Borgohain on her arrival on 11.010.2023 at Guwahati was received by Executive Director SAI RC, Guwahati with athletes and coaches of the Centre at the Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport. The secretary of Boxing Federation of India (BFI) was also present with their officials to welcome Ms. Borgohain at the Airport. She was welcomed at Guwahati Airport with Gamusa and Japi by SAI, BFI, athletes and officials.
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