Assam’s Dr. Arup Kumar Misra delivers Keynote address on INSORE summit


The third International Summit on Renewable Energy (INSORE) with the focal theme “Climate change: Carbon neutral eco-system by 2050” got off to a colourful start yesterday, the 19th of September 2024, at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) under the aegis of North East Renewable Energy Lab (Assam, India), University of Zagreb (Croatia) and University of Malaya (Malaysia).

The Chief Guest of the Inaugural function eminent scholar Prof. VedranMornar, former Minister of Science and Technology, Govt. of Croatia, formally launched the Summit. Head of the Board of Governors of INSORE and Chairman of Pollution Control Board of Assam Dr. Arup Kumar Misra delivered the Keynote Address of the 3-day summit. He dealt in detail on the rich biodiversity of Northeast India in general, and Assam in particular, along with the challenges posed by climate change.

Anthropogenic footprints on environment and ecology must be reduced at any cost by 2030 to stay within the 1.5 degree limit –he emphasized. Dr. Misra also discussed with examples about India’s efforts in the implementation of SDGs, the Mission LiFE and some exemplary activities of the Pollution Control Board of Assam.

Mr. Prakash Kumar, the Director of NERERL, welcomed the guests and delegates, besides recapitulating on the first two Summits held at Croatia and Guwahati respectively.

The three Technical Sessions of the day saw a galaxy of experts speaking on diverse issues starting from biodiversity loss, agriculture yield reduction, role of renewable energy in future energy mix to name a few. Mr. AtulBagai, former Country Head of UNEP India; Dr. RajendraShende, former UN official and founder of Terre Foundation (Pune); Dr. RajasekharBalasubramanian, Professor of National University of Singapore ; Dr. Amy Then Yee Hui, Professor of Malaya University ; Dr. V Prakash, former Director of CFTRI Mysore; Prof. Kristina Kljak, Vice Dean for International and Inter Institutional Cooperation of FAZ Croatia; Prof. SonalThengane of IIT Roorkee and Prof JayarajSelvaraj of University of Malaysia were the prominent speakers on the eventful day.

INSORE 3.0 intends to work intensively among all three partner countries and associates to reach at its desired goals of a clean and green world.

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