Assam Police collect over 44 lakh fine in last 15 days

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Guwahati, August 16 (NKTV): The Guwahati Traffic Police has been on a renewed drive between 1.8.21 to 15.8.21, to reduce traffic violations in the Metro and take legal action against violators. This drive also saw a vigorous use of the totally transparent E-Challan system that is now in place in Guwahati.

The Guwahati Traffic Police requests all citizens to follow traffic rules, so that everyone may have a smooth commute through the city.

The total number of cases of traffic violation detected in the 15 day period were – 7,708. Out of this 1329 E-Challans totalling a fine amount of ₹28,97,500/- were forwarded to the Court. While an amount of ₹15,51,900/- was collected as fines on the spot. Another 4634 Non-FIR cases have been forwarded to Court, where the fine amount will be decided.

A total of 1036 cases were related to Parking violations. Out of these 508 Challans were issued manually, while 528 have been registered as E-Challans.

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