Critically acclaimed Hindi film Kooki released across India


Kooki a critically acclaimed Hindi film made in Assam was release nationally on 28th of June 2024, the film has touched a sensitive topic and narrating a journey of a rape victim. Directed by Pranab J Deka , the movie revolves around the multiple stages and mental trauma a victim goes through. The film is loaded with debut actor Ritisha Khaund, veteran bollywood Rajesh Tailang, Devoleena Bhatacharya, Bibhuti Bhushan Hazarika, Ranjeev Lal Barua, Preety Kongkona, Bodhisattva Sharma, Dipannita Sharma, Ritu Shivpuri and many more.

Kooki was critically acclaimed by many film fraternities across the world that attended Cannes Film festival and watched the film at Marchè Du Film. The film has also grabbed attention of distributers from Europe and Africa.

Speaking about the release, Dr Junmoni Devi Khound, producer of the movie, highlighted the importance of reaching out to a larger audience. “Our goal is to demonstrate the depth and diversity of Assamese cinema to audiences beyond our region. Hindi, as a national language, provides us with a platform to showcase our storytelling heritage and technical expertise to a wider spectrum of viewers.”

The production of this Hindi-language film is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the Assamese film industry, with a remarkable 98% of the crew hailing from Assam.

This endeavor not only highlights the industry’s talent pool but also serves as a learning experience, fostering cross-cultural exchanges and skill development among the crew members. The film has actors, singers, musician from both regional and national level with big names from the industry.

The film is running successfully in the state of Assam, Odisha, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarkhand, Maharastra, Gujrat, Punjab, Haryana, along with cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal, Jodhpur, Lucknow, and many other

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