Govt. of India does not recognise collection of tax by armed organisation: RN Ravi indirectly lambasts NSCN (IM)

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Guwahati, June 21 (NKTV): Government of India’s representative and interlocutor for Naga Peace Talks RN Ravi today reacted to a statement of the NSCN (IM), saying that the Government of India does not recognise collection of tax by any entity other than by it or a state government.

Without taking name, Ravi, who is also the Governor of Nagaland, stated that a Naga armed organisation engaged in the peace process has issued a statement recently that was carried in the media. It was circulated that they had a right to collect tax from the people and further added that their right has also been recognised by the representative of the Government of India.

“Such an erroneous statement is likely to cause confusion among the people. Taxation is a sovereign function which can be exercised either by the Government of India or the state government” Ravi stated in a release.

Ravi said the Government of India does recognise any such right by any other entity.

He also said forcible collection of money by any entity is extortion which is a criminal offence punishable under the laws. “All the Naga armed organisations engaged in the peace process have given a commitment against such collection” he added.

In a release on June 19, the NSCN (IM) had said that it is pointless on the part of the critics to level false allegations on collection of taxes by the Government of the People’s Republic of Nagalim (GPRN). It said that collection of taxes by a government from its citizens is a legitimate right and not illegal at all. “Even the representatives of the Government of India who are engaged in political dialogue with NSCN leaders recognize this right” the NSCN (IM) said in a statement on June 19.

Featured Image: Representative

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