‘Gujarat Governance Model’ offers several best practices to be replicated elsewhere too, says Dr Jitendra Singh


Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh, speaking at the National Conference on Good Governance at the capital township of Gandhinagar here, observed that the “Gujarat Governance Model” offers several best practices which can be successfully replicated elsewhere too.

The Minister recalled that many of the governance innovations successfully implemented at the Central level were first introduced in Gujarat under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership as Chief Minister.

Addressing a pan-India audience of policymakers, senior bureaucrats, and governance experts, Dr. Jitendra Singh praised the transformation in governance over the last decade. “This transformation did not happen overnight. Many of the reforms introduced at the national level were first tested and perfected in Gujarat, and today they are being replicated across the country,” he remarked.

Dr. Jitendra Singh underscored the fundamental shift in governance culture under Prime Minister Modi, which has taken policymaking beyond the traditional administrative strongholds of Delhi and into various regions of the country. He cited the Prime Minister’s directive to decentralize governance by ensuring that major policy discussions, conferences and outreach programs are held in different parts of the country and not necessarily in New Delhi. “By moving governance dialogues beyond Delhi, we are ensuring that reforms are more inclusive and reflective of the aspirations of people from all corners of the country,” he said.

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