Assam records new heights today on Thursday. No covid positive case detects in the northeastern part of Assam. There is no new covid19 case reported today. That means Covid is almost history in Assam. Earlier on May 12, 2020, the number of daily covid reports was zero.
Assam health minister Keshav Mahanta congratulates every health worker for making covid free Assam. Not only Doctors, he thanks nurses, Anganwadi workers, Asha workers and other health officials and grassroots frontline workers.
It is to be noted that the first wave started in march 2020 in Assam and then that year from 31 march started covid tests. After that last in the 12 May of 2020 records zero. After almost 2 years Assamese people breathe covid free air and people feel relaxed and comment on this new era!
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