Rates Of VDA of Sales Promotion Establishment Employees Fixed

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The Labour Welfare Department, Assam has notified the rates of VDA payable to employees of the Sales Promotion Establishment are fixed on the basis of 75% rise on average all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base Year 2016=100)

The All India CPI (IW) average of the period May, 2021 to October, 2021 has risen by 3.10 points (75% being 1.89%) in the average CPI of the period November, 2021 to April, 2022.

As per the Notification, the VDA shall be payable with effect from 01.05.2022 to the employees/ workers in Sales Promotion Establishment of Cosmetics, soaps, household cleaners and disinfectants, Readymade Garments, Soft Drink Manufacturing Industries, Biscuits and Confectioneries, Ayurvedic, Unani and Homoeopathic Medicines, Automobiles including accessories and spare parts, Surgical equipments, artificial prosthesis and diagnostics, Electronics, computers including accessories and spares, Electrical appliances, Paints and varnishes, Pharmaceutical Industry.

The present wages per month of Sales Promotion Employees is Rs. 15,630.56/- with new VDA of Rs. 236.25/- where as the previous VDA was Rs. 2,894.31/-

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