US sanctions Chinese & Belarusian companies for providing ballistic missile components to Pakistan

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The United States has imposed sanctions on three China-based companies and one from Belarus for providing ballistic missile components to Pakistan. The companies Xi’an Longde Technology Development, Tianjin Creative Source International Trade, Granpect Co. Ltd. from China, and Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant from Belarus supplied missile-applicable items for Pakistan’s ballistic missile programme, including its long-range missile programme.

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said these entities were engaged in activities or transactions that materially contributed to, or pose a risk of materially contributing to, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or their means of delivery, including any efforts to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer, or use such items, by Pakistan. The spokesperson said the US is committed to strengthening the global nonproliferation regime by taking action to disrupt procurement networks supporting proliferation activities of concern.

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