Explained: What are the symptoms of Omicron Covid-19 Variant?

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The new Covid-19 variant Omicron has created medical havoc across the world as the governments of different countries have issued fresh guidelines to control the spread of the dreaded variant. But what are the symptoms of the new variant? As per Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the symptoms included extreme tiredness, mild muscle aches, a scratchy throat, and dry cough, while only a few of the cases showed slightly high fever. She observed that the symptoms displayed by patients infected with the Omicron variant were “mild”. Furthermore, she revealed that the patients were able to completely recover without the need to be hospitalized.

Amid worldwide concerns over Covid’s new variant Omicron, which is believed to be more transmissible than the previous variants, a South African doctor who raised the alarm over this new variant revealed that the patients she treated had unfamiliar symptoms.

Furthermore, the Indian government has revised travel guidelines for international arrivals in the wake of the new variant of concern. International passengers now have to take the RT-PCR test and wait for the result in the airport to get entry into the country. And if they come negative, they are required to take a mandatory seven-day at-home quarantine.

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