Women killed for IPL betting in Rupohihat

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In a sensational incident, a married woman was found dead in the Barghat area of Rupohihat. According to locals the woman was murdered by her own husband for an alleged IPL betting fiasco. The deceased woman was married to one Baharul Islam who has been alleged of being the murderer.

According to reports, Baharul and one of his relatives namely Kajal were into IPL betting business and often asked for money from Baharul’s wife. Locals also allege that her in-laws used to trouble her a lot and always seeking for money from the deceased’s father.

After the death, the body was recovered by the locals and the police was informed but when they came to the spot nobody of the accused Baharul’s family were there as all had fled. Police has started initial investigation and are in search of Baharul and his family members.

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